Archive for the ‘transcendence’ Category

Sister Madonna Iron Nun

Sister Madonna is a unique combination of Catholic nun and record setting triathlete. Her running career began late in life, when a priest encouraged her to take up running to help harmonise mind and body.

In 2005, Sister Madonna ran the 2005 Hawaii Ironman setting a record for the oldest women to finish an Ironman Triathlon. Sister Madonna is also a full time nun and is only able to train part-time. Altogether, Sister Madonna has completed 350 triathlons and 40 at the Ironman distance.

Sister Madonna has a simple philosophy for explaining her unique ultra distant events, in the evening of her life.

“If we want to do it, we can. The only failure is not to try, because putting forth the effort is success in itself.”

“If life doesn’t have some challenges, it isn’t worth living, right?”

When asked what she would say to people who think they are too old to start exercising, she said, “If you’re not too young to start walking or running you’re not too old to stop… excuses!”


Worlds Largest Drum for Peace

World’s largest drum in Nepal

Nepal is celebrating after the historic peace accord between the government and rebel Maoists that ends 11 years of civil war. Different programs were held across the country including rallies. Friday’s programme in the capital Kathmandu was a continuation of the celebrations, but it had significant value.

A gigantic drum, dubbed the world peace drum, was beaten to send peace messages across the world. Thousands of spectators enjoyed the beating with the hope that peace will prevail in this land forever.

Organizers claimed this drum as world’s largest drum. According to Japanese drummer Hiromi Ishioka, coordinator of the world peace drum construction, the Guinness Book of World Records has recognized him as the maker of the world’s largest drum.

In a press conference held some five months ago in Kathmandu, he claimed that he will break his own record by making another super large drum.

From: news

Via: ursi blog

Running around the World


One Earth – 26000km – 2 years – 1 runner


Jesper Olsen is the first person to have successfully completed the unique feat of running around the world. Beginning on the 1st of January, 2004, from the Greenwich time meridian in London; Jesper successfully circumnavigated the world finishing nearly 2 years later in October 2005, in London. During his epic run of 26,000 Km Jesper kept a detailed log and even participated in local ultra distance runners. His extraordinary experiences have now been produced into a book. It is an epic tale of self transcendence and inspiration to others – World Run

Jesper Olsen is now preparing for World Run 2 which could be over 40,000 Km

“The route will in general lead from the Northern point of Scandinavia and in Europe to the Southern tip of Africa. After this first half of the total challenge is completed the run reverses direction and, hopefully, continues North from the Southern tip of South America to the Northern point of New Foundland in Canada, North America.”

Blog entry at Multidays – an informative resource on ultra distance running

Photo from Sri Chinmoy Races. This photo is from the last couple of days leading upto Jesper’s finish in London.

Transcending on your Knees

Ashrita Furman breaking a new Guiness record for crawling .

Ashrita crawled on his hands and knees as fast as he could to cover a mile in 24 minutes and 32 seconds, beating the previous Guinness record of 29 minutes and 27 seconds. Ashrita’s latest record was watched by some enthusiastic children who were pleased to see someone crawling as fast as they could. Ashrita is a meditation student of Sri Chinmoy. He says his meditation training enables him to be flexible in taking on new challenges. He sets records to show others that we all have unlimited potential if we can harness the power of the spirit.

Photo by Jowan Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries

More on record


Ashrita’s upside down juggling Record

75 year old lifts to inspire others

Over the weekend of 16th and 17th September various heavy weights including a giant pumpkin and a plane were lifted by weightlifter and spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy who is 75 years old lifts to inspire others that age need not be a barrier to achievement. Chinmoy also says the strength for his extraordinary lifts comes from his inner life of prayer and meditation. Asked about his message Sri Chinmoy says:

"Never give up! Never give up! Physical fitness is of paramount importance. There is no age limit
when we live in the heart and when we try to be of prayerful and soulful service to God in the
heart of humanity."

- Sri Chinmoy

A giant pumpkin being lifted by Sri Chinmoy.

More on Sri Chinmoy’s Lifting at Sri Chinmoy TV

Ashrita Sets new Record

World record breaker gets inspiration for 119th record.

Ashirta Furman, of Queens, N.Y., established a record for running a mile on tin pots earlier that afternoon, with a time of 18 minutes and 26 seconds. The pots were held against his shoes by hand-held strings. A stipulation of the record was that the tin pots musn’t fall off.

The record was set at POWNAL Green Mountain Race Track on Friday 8th September. After setting and submitting a record it usually takes about 6 weeks for it to be ratified by Guiness.

Furman credits his study of meditation, under the tutelage of Sri Chinmoy, for his ability to break so many records.

“It’s all in fun, but there’s a serious side because there’s physical conditioning and a lot of mental focus required,” he said. “You really have to focus deep within yourself. I really have to use the training I got from meditation to be very one-pointed and not allow other distractions to stop me.”

Bipin Larkin, a friend of Furman’s, was present for the record attempts.

the spirit behind the thing that keeps you going, and it’s like an
adventure,” said Larkin. “(Furman) believes in transcendence, in going
beyond his restrictions.”


Self Transcendence

Many people take an interest in spirituality because of a feeling that “there has to be more to life than our ordinary every day experiences” It is when we start seeking for a deeper meaning and understanding of life that we become drawn to meditation and spirituality.

Spirituality in essence is a journey of self discovery, we can also use the term “self transcendence”.