Archive for the ‘Sri Chinmoy’ Category

Transcending on your Knees

Ashrita Furman breaking a new Guiness record for crawling .

Ashrita crawled on his hands and knees as fast as he could to cover a mile in 24 minutes and 32 seconds, beating the previous Guinness record of 29 minutes and 27 seconds. Ashrita’s latest record was watched by some enthusiastic children who were pleased to see someone crawling as fast as they could. Ashrita is a meditation student of Sri Chinmoy. He says his meditation training enables him to be flexible in taking on new challenges. He sets records to show others that we all have unlimited potential if we can harness the power of the spirit.

Photo by Jowan Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries

More on record


Ashrita’s upside down juggling Record

Quote on Patience


"Patience is a tree that grows within us and produces not one fruit, but four fruits: wisdom, joy, peace and victory. Patience requires energy as well as the co-operation of the body, the vital and the mind. Without patience, the mind works automatically, like a machine. It moves by compulsion, not by choice. It is restless; it darts here and there. The body may be inert, but the mind is constantly roaming. There can be no peace without patience."




By: Sri Chinmoy

From: Illumination Fruits

Photo by Richard Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries


Patience is not inertia. Inertia is a negative and destructive way of approaching the Truth. It is stagnant, and that which is stagnant eventually leads to destruction. But patience is dynamic; it always goes forward toward the goal. Patience has the steady movement of growth and is always accompanied by peace. This peace can never be mistaken for inertia which is always accompanied by restlessness.




Quote Blog


Meditation Music


"Meditation and music cannot be separated. When we cry from the inmost recesses of our heart for peace, light and bliss, that is the best type of meditation. Next to meditation is music, soulful music, the music that stirs and elevates our aspiring consciousness. "


Sri Chinmoy


The Wish Fulfilling Tree


"A young aspirant was sitting at the foot of a tree in the summer heat. Fortunately or unfortunately, the tree he happened to be sitting under was the Kalpataru tree, the tree that fulfils all desires, but he did not know this.…"


Read complete story: "The Wish Fulfilling Tree" from Gopal’s Eternal Brother And Other Stories for Children
by Sri Chinmoy

" So, as George Bernard Shaw said, "There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart’s desire, the other is to get it." In this story, the young aspirant got it!"


Photo by: Pavitrata: Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries


Quotes on Silence


Our human mind says,
"Silence is emptiness; it is sheer emptiness and nothingness."
But our aspiring heart knows that silence
is the fulness and plenitude
of our Eternity’s Height and Infinity’s Light. (1)

Silence gives us joy.
This is totally true.


The inner world
 Is full of
Silence and beauty.


The outer world
  Is full of
Sad misunderstanding.


Silence itself is joy.
This truth comes down
From the loftiest Heights.


The silence – room is not fierce–
It is all – loving
And all – protecting.


The silence of meditation
Is power beyond measure.



(1) From a talk on Silence by Sri Chinmoy

(2) Other Quotes from Seventy Seven Thousand Service Trees vol. 36 by: Sri Chinmoy

Photo by Pavitrata Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries

External Links


Stories of the Moghul Emperors

Stories of the Moghul Emperors


At Write Spirit there are many stories of the great Moghul Emperors. Including Babar, Humayun and Akbar.

These traditional Indian stories both entertain and inform. These delightful stories of the Moghul Emperors have been retold here by Sri Chinmoy and .

You can also listen to online dramatisations at Inspiration Sounds; including an episode on stories about the Mogul Emperor Humayun


Picture by Unmesh, Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries

From : Akbar’s Secret visit to Mirabai

"Although Akbar was a Muslim, he liked the Hindu spirituality and culture immensely. At his court, he retained all kinds of talented and extraordinary people from various religions. Akbar always appreciated others’ good qualities. In the course of time, he came to hear about Mirabai, the great devotee of Lord Krishna. The bhajans that she sang became known throughout the length and breadth of India. Akbar decided to go and see her for himself.

At first, it seemed impossible for the Emperor to fulfil his wish. Mirabai was married to Prince Bhoja Raj of Chittor. This family and the Moghul Emperors had always been the worst of enemies! If Akbar went to see Mirabai, he would be risking his life and he would also be placing Mirabai herself in great danger. But Akbar was determined to go. He said, "I will not go as the Emperor with my army. I will go in disguise."

  • Read full story



World Harmony Run Visits Carribean

The World Harmony Run visits 11 beautiful Caribbean nations in three action-packed weeks. Island culture and music abound in this short compilation of events in each participating country.

View Video at Sri Chinmoy TV

Produced by Salil Wilson and Ketan Tamm of the World Harmony Run Team

The World Harmony Run was founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1986, it is now an annual global relay running seeking to promote harmony and friendship between people from across all social and cultural sections of society.

75 year old lifts to inspire others

Over the weekend of 16th and 17th September various heavy weights including a giant pumpkin and a plane were lifted by weightlifter and spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy who is 75 years old lifts to inspire others that age need not be a barrier to achievement. Chinmoy also says the strength for his extraordinary lifts comes from his inner life of prayer and meditation. Asked about his message Sri Chinmoy says:

"Never give up! Never give up! Physical fitness is of paramount importance. There is no age limit
when we live in the heart and when we try to be of prayerful and soulful service to God in the
heart of humanity."

- Sri Chinmoy

A giant pumpkin being lifted by Sri Chinmoy.

More on Sri Chinmoy’s Lifting at Sri Chinmoy TV